Saturday, May 22, 2010

Familiaris Backyardias

These shots remind me of these - except another year and a few more "skills."
This morning's water fun was followed by a whole household trip to the Farmer's Market for a fabulous morning breakfast and the comment, "Woowd is stuck in my teef, hewp me pweese." After which Twinkletoes hand picked the best beef jerkey in the world (according to Waffles) from between Blueberry's teeth. Love.


The Lost Planetista said...

Super cute. Especially the one with the dog in the kiddie pool.
Your camera takes really nice pictures

Waiting for Zufan! said...

Just posted a really cute picture of you on my blog. Hope that is OK! Also, check out Anne's blog. I just love it.

Tanya said...

Seriously, the shot with the dog is amazing! So sweet!