Wednesday, April 22, 2009

About Whiteness

This is a great blog and today was a perfect post for me:
Take the time to read it, and don't overlook the comments. Privilege is written all over and in this refelction. Once again I find kernels of deeper understanding for myself both as an individual white woman AND as a member of a group (the normative white). I need these reads that are honest, alert, and courageous. Honest inquiry requires particular attention to POC and their experience and perspectives. This blog rocks.


Waiting for Zufan! said...

Hi Megan,

I just saw your picture and shout-out from Julie. Wow, did you really raise that much money for Doctors-Without-Borders? That is amazing! How did you do it?

Isn't Julie great? Can't wait until she gets that referral.

Renee said...

I just wanted to pop in and say thanks for the link love and taking the time to read my little blog.

The Lost Planetista said...

Oh yeah- she totally nailed it- especially in the last line of her article. Powerful stuff there!