Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Celebrity Sightings

We ate lunch with this guy on Easter morning at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market. Well, we picniced (is that a word?) right next to him and his family and we exchanged the typical family greetings and smiles while enjoying breakfast burritos cooked to order. Yum. He has cute kids. He also looks just like his "PC guy" character. Mr. Silly Pants commented, however, the technology he was using to text (probably twitter since I saw he has a twitter page) was NOT a Mac product. Hmmmmmm.
and I shopped at Whole Foods with her; we made good eye contact and she smiled at Blueberry

I followed my sister's strict instructions to refrain from gawking, snapping photos, or asking either of them to sign my hat. Hehehehehe. Still, it was LA style and kinda cool. I channelled my mom during these celebrity sightings - mom would have been proud of me since she ALWAYS loved Hollywood gawking and made a big deal about anything LA. Love you and miss you mom - every day!

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