Monday, June 21, 2010

Ecuador - Songbird Chat

I had the chance to 'chat' with our darling Songbird tonight on Facebook. Who knew? FB is delightfully dangerous :-)
         (Ecuador 2010)
Here is some background on Songbird's connection to Ecuador: Songbird was an exchange student in Ecuador her senior year of high school. She had an amazingly challenging year - and so the 'appointment' to Ecuador for her Amigos summer was a mixed bag for her; a chance to reframe Ecuador in a new way but also a challenge because of existing connections and some emotional baggage. Going into her application, she knew there was a good chance Amigos might want her in Ecuador - she knew she has some cultural capital that would work well in their 'new' Ecuador program. She's a perfect fit there, for sure. I was already proud of the way she had sorted out her feelings and anticipated what did become a reality for her - a summer in Ecuador.

But, let me share, this kid is a warrior of the BEST KIND. Her official work with high school volunteers starts tomorrow. At the moment she has been out in the communities learning their needs, identifying their community sponsored programs, and anticipating how she can support both the communities and their youth volunteers. Here is a peek for our blog reading Songbird fans of the best parts of our FB chat --- Songbird fans, I know you're out there!

She said this about seeing her high school year host mom and dad in Quito:
" was really nice to see her and Manuel...he saw me and was like "Songbird que gusto - eres flaquita!"

I asked her, "are you falling in love with Ecuador anew?" She said, " Its going to be fun coming home with so many stories!  My communities are so high up! Yeah, they are awesome, sort of difficult sometimes because the culture IS so different. but I think I've figured out the ins...All I have to do is go out with the sheep and help shell ava beans :-)"

I responded: "I am so happy for your chance to reconnect and recreate a new reality for yourself there -
it makes me extra proud of how brave and courageous and forgiving you are."

She laughed and told me:  "Yeah...the sheep. I'll come back home a good shepherd!"

You know what, I bet she will! Here are a few details about her life in Ecuador:
  • The first language of her communities is Kichwa
  • She's working in 3 communities
  • Elevation is 4200 meters
  • Everyone eats lots of potatoes, ava beans and rice
  • People go to bed about 8 pm when the sun goes down and get up at 5 am when the sun comes up
  • She can buy about 6 avacadoes for $2 and is cooking some awesome local flavors
Fun. Fun. Fun.
                                                                (Ecuador 2010)
I miss this amazing daughter of mine, and I love her anywhere and everywhere
she travels and works as she  lives her lovely life.  


Anonymous said...

Mamma - you flatter me! Thank you for your support in everything!

Tressa said...


The Lost Planetista said...

p.s. love her cornrows!

The Lost Planetista said...

Oh, how cool! Ya'll have the coolest family.