Friday, June 4, 2010

Bole Bound

Mr. SillyPants left this morning for Ethiopia. He is joining a team of physicians from UW-Madison to teach the ALSO (Advanced Life Support and Obstetrics) program to some physicians at Black Lion Hospital.  They, in turn, will teach it to others. It's a classic sustainable model --- one that brings in docs from the US and then allows for teaching the program using cultural models of understanding at the local level. Thus, for 2 days Mr. SillyPants (and 3 others) will teach, and for 3 days they will shadow the newly instructed ALSO teachers. Gotta love it. The vision of this program is first rate (says the cultural anthropologist - moi!).

I'm going to let Mr. SillyPants give the details about this training and the vision this training brings to establishing an Emergency Medicine program to the Medical School in Addis Ababa. I talked a little about this program and how we became involved here on our blog. But, there is a more formal explanation here and  here.

So, today our main man left for Bole Airport. I am so proud of him. I know he brings his dynamic intellect, his sensitive spirit, and his adoration of our Ethiopian born son to the work that he is about to embark upon. I know our missing is mutual. I know this is what we do - and I know why we do it. I feel so incredibly lucky to be with this man while we do these things together as a family. This is our canvas - and we're paintin' it!

Finally, we'll have the treat of having him as our "guest blogger" for the next week, providing details arrive by e-mail as he journals his adventure (which may NOT include regular power availablity in Addis).                                   Godspeed my love!


Waiting for Zufan! said...

Awww, very cute picture. I'm sure he'll have a great trip! Looking forward to hearing about it; what a great thing to do. And once again... if you'd like, I'd love to see you getting serious about hip hop! :) Come with me to the class sometime. You'd love it.

The Lost Planetista said...

I picture Mr. Sillypants (in this case as Dr. Sillypants) at Missing Hospital in Addis. (I know Cutting for Stone was fiction but it's influenced the way I see Dr. Sillypants's journey and work) :)