Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mrs. Silly Pants?

No.....I'm not changing my name! Mrs. Silly Pants just doesn't sound right. I'll remain Ms. Plum. It works for me - and I've spent a long time just learning how to be me!

I've gotten some raised eyebrows - what, marrying next week? For those who want to know, Mr. Silly Pants and I will be marrying next week in our home in the company of our children. Songbird will take the bus home from college for the evening, Mr. Waffles, Twinkletoes, and Schwartz will have just enough time to shower after sports and get upstairs for our vows! I hope Blueberry is in good spirits! It's a chance for Mr. Silly Pants and I to make "legal" the sacred relationshiop that we already share. Our pastor will be present to bless all of us in this committment. Then we'll feast on some Whole Foods goodies (I am NOT cooking!) and be thankful for our good fortune, our life of plenty, and our beloved family. But no, I'm not going to be Mrs. Silly Pants. I remain, Ms. Plum! (yes, Ms.!)

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