Sunday, March 14, 2010

Lavendar Booties and a 2 Year Old

I don't know how we progressed from "lavendar booties", to THIS big boy quite so quickly. It is hard, still, to see the image of our son as he 'waited.' His eyes looked wise, his lessons seemed learned too quickly and too deeply. I sensed he had started with love, and hoped to honor that which he knew with the steady and sturdy course of our family's love.  I can still remember the day I realized that 'waiting' and 'wise' look had faded to be replaced by the curious, joyful  look of our Blueberry.

He has grown. I have learned to celebrate and and delight in the giggles of my biggie children, the gentle kindness and enduring love of my husband, and the absolute joy of sharing it all with our littlest, Blueberry. We have come together in ways I did not anticipate - and we are stronger in our family bond together with "Blue."  I feel such gratitude for the presence of my 4 children and our friends, and our family. I  am working to live with more awareness of the goodnesses that infuse my days.  This birthday set of events (playgroup birthday and then family birthday) provided many opportunities to celebrate and appreciate my family and our friends.

Blueberry's "Big 2" with his little friends and with our family. In pictures:

Big brother Waffles gave him his first chocolate candy bar

He blew out his candles on his angel food cake

He watched the biggies and some friends build an awesome block tower

He tried to hang on for a sibling photo

He spent the morning outside with his friends, splashing in puddles

more puddles :-)

cupcakes with not enough sprinkles (D's sprinkle method still eludes me)

twirled and whirled with glee

and ..... well, THIS image is the one that reminds me of the fullness of our lives when the little one is in bed and there is still so much "kid" energy filling our home. 'Tis a good life.

March 15, 2010


Christina said...

Happy Birthday Blueberry!

Mark and Sarah said...

What a beautiful life! Happy 2nd Birthday, Big Boy!!

D said...


The Bully saw Blue's birthday candles photo and tried to blow them out, tried to push over the block tower with his finger and exclaimed, "Ohhh. Whoaaaa!" at the image of chocolatey hands.

We may have to contract you out for a plagiarized party (all planned and executed) in about 6 mos, based on The Bully's delighted reaction.

Cindy said...

Happy happy big boy!!

Sari said...

Paljon onnea Mustikka!!

Anonymous said...

Sooooo much fun!

Mama Papaya said...

Happy Birthday Blueberry!

Mama, I have been meaning to discuss the fact that I have the Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly) song stuck in my head since I first read this post. I hold your beautiful boy and his little lavender booties wholly responsible.