Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday - Free Range Kids

Playgroup is coming here today. We're going to go and play in the woods today - in honor of the practice of raising free range kids. See HERE if you want to be inspired to raise kids to be "free range kids." I know I do!
I have more to say about this - I have some reflections about how the biggies were raised as free range kids long before I had the vocabulary or the resources to read about kids on blogs. :-) 
But, I've got to get ready for the 9 a.m. collection of kids. We'll be in our backyard woods, climbing, jumping, digging in the dirt, and exploring! See you!


rebekah said...

thanks for the link - can't wait to read more.

The Lost Planetista said...

I love that blog- though as we've entered toddlerhood I tend to read her blog less frequently because I'm in helicopter mode 24/7 chasing after my little one who has yet to develop any common sense. She's cute as a button though! I really think most kids today suffer from a tremendous nature deficit disorder. One kid who came to my house said, "Is this all poop?" as he was walking through the mud. It was sad, really. Kids need nature and freedom just like they need air.

Life in Fitzville said...

I love this. Our kids are pretty free range. Its hard not to get caught up in the media onslaught that there are bad people lurking around every corner. I am thankful to not only live in a cool small town, but in a laid back neighborhood with other free range thinking moms and dads! It is the saddest thing to me to drive through big neighborhoods and see no sign of life... show me some bikes, scooters, street hockey sticks with kids yelling “car!” Every so often!