Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We're moving the blog

Stay tuned....popular opinion swayed us (we're very impressionable) to move to WordPress.

Frankly, I'm tired of how cumbersome the photo elements of blogspot are - pages never look like the preview! So, tonight I did the FB 'yakity yak' and was sold on the move. A mere whisper of a change and Mr. SillyPants has been working this evening to download the entire blog to WordPress. I'm happy with the result!

You can now find us at

We'll notify one more time - the wordpress page isn't totally ready- but I won't be posting anything except moving business here any longer.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I have thought about switching as well. How did he transfer the whole thing? I am not tech savvy but I am fairly easy to teach : )